Free Online Cryptocurrency Unit Converter
The most accurate and comprehensive tool for converting between different cryptocurrency units. Instantly convert Bitcoin (BTC, Satoshi, bits) and Ethereum (ETH, Gwei, Wei) units with our free online converter.

Bitcoin (BTC)

Ethereum (ETH)

Binance (BNB)

Arbitrum (ARB)

Optimism (OP)
Unit Information:
- • 1 Ether = 10⁹ Gwei = 10¹⁸ Wei
- • Gwei (Gigawei) is commonly used for gas prices
- • Wei is the smallest denomination of Ether
Understanding Cryptocurrency Units
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum use different denominations to represent various amounts of their native tokens. Understanding these units is essential for anyone involved in cryptocurrency transactions, development, or investment.
Whether you're calculating gas fees, setting transaction amounts, or working with smart contracts, our cryptocurrency unit converter helps you ensure precision in all your crypto operations.
Bitcoin Units Explained
What is a Satoshi in Bitcoin?
A Satoshi is the smallest unit of Bitcoin, named after Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. 1 Bitcoin (BTC) equals 100,000,000 Satoshis, making a single Satoshi 0.00000001 BTC.
How to Convert Satoshi to Bitcoin
To convert Satoshi to Bitcoin, divide the number of Satoshis by 100,000,000. For example, 50,000,000 Satoshis equals 0.5 BTC. Our converter tool above makes this calculation instant and error-free.
Our Bitcoin to Satoshi converter makes it easy to calculate exact values instantly, without needing to remember complex conversion ratios.
Bitcoin Unit Hierarchy
- 1 BTC (Bitcoin) = 1,000 mBTC (millibitcoin)
- 1 mBTC = 1,000 bits (microbitcoin)
- 1 bit = 100 satoshis
- 1 BTC = 100,000,000 satoshis
Ethereum Units Explained
What is Wei in Ethereum?
Wei is the smallest denomination of Ether (ETH), similar to how Satoshi is to Bitcoin. 1 Ether equals 10^18 (1,000,000,000,000,000,000) Wei.
Use our Ethereum unit converter to quickly convert between ETH, Gwei, and Wei without complex calculations.
What is Gwei in Ethereum?
Gwei (Gigawei) is commonly used to express gas prices in the Ethereum network. 1 Gwei equals 10^9 (1,000,000,000) Wei, and 1 Ether equals 10^9 Gwei.
How to Convert Wei to ETH
To convert Wei to ETH, divide the number of Wei by 10^18. For example, 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 Wei equals 1 ETH. Our converter tool simplifies this process.
Ethereum Unit Hierarchy
- 1 ETH (Ether) = 10^9 (1,000,000,000) Gwei
- 1 Gwei = 10^9 (1,000,000,000) Wei
- 1 ETH = 10^18 (1,000,000,000,000,000,000) Wei
Why Use a Crypto Unit Converter?
Cryptocurrency unit conversion can be complex due to the large numbers involved. Our free online crypto unit converter offers:
- Accurate conversions between all major Bitcoin and Ethereum units
- Real-time pricing updates for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other EVM cryptocurrencies
- Simple, user-friendly interface
- Instant results without complicated calculations
- Educational information about cryptocurrency units